
Since her first art class in Elementary School, Karen has been drawn to the art of people. Emotion, expression, relatability, and most predominantly, the image of God which marks each person has been her fundamental inspiration. Karen’s inspiration for impressionistic, allegorical portraiture comes from her relationship with God, love for people, and her communities in Virginia and Washington DC. Although realism in portraiture is a component of her art, Karen introduces symbolic imagery and creative use of color to take each painting further. Subsequent themes which Karen explores in her imagery include unity, identity, and a childlike perspective on life.

karen grace

eva mckinley

Eva is a home educated high schooler with a love for exploring nature and painting. Being homeschooled allows her to spend endless hours of creating art and finding inspiration from the places she visits. Whether its local scenes or the US National Parks- she is always captivated by the stillness and peace found in the outdoors.

Deenalin Crook

As long as I can remember I’ve had a paintbrush in my hand. Drawing anything and everything I came in contact with. But my main inspiration has always been from places I have traveled and my late grandfather’s oil paintings. I seek to magnify the Creator through my art, painting just a glimpse of what He has already perfectly created.

Margaret merle

Some years ago Maggie found herself avidly writing through an immersive prayer journey. These prayers seemed to have morphed into poetry, ever to her surprise. Her hope is that the things she writes will evoke unique experiences of God in the hearts of those who read them. She prays and believes that the Holy Spirit will continue to create beauty in her work for others—she’s an avid believer that creative works give birth to new creative works. In reading her work, may you find yourself in the midst of making new creations as well!

Amy myers

As founder of Thy Name, Amy seeks to increase opportunities for authors and artists to publish stories and creative works that God places in their hearts. She also enjoys serving as a prayer intercessor at church and hosting a podcast titled God-cast. She is the author of  Love ~ Value ~ Purpose and holds a Master of Divinity degree.